A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2246

Chapter 2246


The security guard, clutching the precious cigarettes, wore a delighted expression as he carefully stowed them away. Then, in a sudden burst of realization, he exclaimed, “Did I just see that correctly? Was it Miss Laura in the car?”

Laura and Edwin together?!

He witnessed Laura and Edwin in the same car and didn’t stop them!

The guard was so shocked and scared.

But what should he do? Should he report it, even though he had accepted Edwin’s offering of cigarettes? He could never afford such exquisite cigarettes that come in two hundred a pack if it weren’t for Edwin’s generosity.

Edwin drove far, leaving the familiar surroundings behind.

He stole a glance at Laura, seated silently beside him.

Such moments of solitude in the car had become a rare thing for them.

Back when he had been actively pursuing her, it had been different.

Laura had been more of a homebody, and their outings had been infrequent. Most of their meals were lovingly prepared by him, and she hadn’t clung to him when work beckoned. They spent their free time cuddling at home and watching movies.

Their dates, while scarce, held a unique charm.

But that day, Edwin yearned to take her out.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Czanch, an ancient city, had managed to preserve its old town with exceptional care, and its street food was renowned for its delectable flavors.

As they idled at a red light, Edwin checked his phone.

His tone was soft and gentle.

“There’s a lantern show just ahead and some really nice food. Olivia has mentioned it a few times. Would you like to give it a try?”

Laura had been reluctant to engage with him, and her presence on going out with him felt more coerced than voluntary.

Edwin remained unruffled, his composure unwavering.

After all, he still possessed the finesse of a suitor, undeterred by Laura’s reticence.

Their shared history had endowed him with a deep understanding of her temperament and her penchant for silence, qualities he found utterly endearing.

Having reached the parking lot, Edwin brought the car to a halt.

But Laura remained seated, unmoved.

He opened his door and said warmly, “It’s time to step out.”

She protested, “You go ahead! I have no desire to leave this car.”

